The Eco-Feminine way of seeing and being tends to look at the world from the inside-out: it puts a person’s soul and psyche foremost, builds it and gives it a nourishing and stimulating environment. Then it seeks to relate it to the world around it, and then it looks towards the Outer and Surrounding Beings, Elements, Atmosphere. It also sees that there is so much that is beyond the reach of a person; though the extent to which they see, perceive and integrate in their inner world and schema depends on their perception and practice. With this as the premise, the socio-economic and ecological-political priorities for Ramala as an Eco-Feminine Woman are as follows:
- Wellness and Healthcare at Scale, and Through Sustainable and Natural Means
- Sanity, Sound Minds, Mental Healing, Deprogramming from Falsehood and Misperceptions
- Trauma Healing, Including Personal and Group Trauma; Mental/ emotional/ psychological/ physical/ financial/ social and like traumas
- Iteratively Removing and Reducing Abuse, Harm and Violence from the System
- Iteratively Removing and Reducing the Profane, the Redundant and the Wasteful from the System
- Removing Rot and Decay from the System in Alignment with Principles of Perpetuation of Life
- Paying Attention to the Weakest Link First, and Repairing and Strengthening It, or Removing Where Suitable
- Creation and distribution of Education and Information that is Current, Timely, Lively, Useful and Truthful.
- Creation and gridding of a Viable Halaal, Tayyab, and Sustainable Economy, whereas halaal means permissible and tayyab means clean, pure or purified.
We shall soon share how these objectives are being met through the various projects conceived and being built by Hubb’Allah. For now, explore the Projects, and also, see the Actions that you can take now to move deeper into the realm of the eco-feminine.